SoftWave ESWT

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

ESWT: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

In this advanced regenerative tissue therapy, SoftWave is applied to many tissues at the desired depth and with an adjustable energy flux density (EFD), depending on the tissue, and pathophysiology.

With its wide focis size and pure wave quality, SoftWave TRT delivers the highest amount of total biologically effective energy to the target area.

[*extracorporeal means ‘from outside the body’]

State-of-the-Art Technology

The quality of SoftWave's extracorporeal* shock waves has a great influence on its effectiveness to stimulate the valuable regeneration and healing mechanism at the cellular level.

The Spark

The reflector generates a primary and secondary wave that spreads energy to a large are of both superficial and deep tissue. This physical energy produces mechanical stimulation which is recognized by mechanoreceptors of the cell and transduced into various cellular healing responses.

The quality of MTS/SoftWave machines are achieved through an active global effort between researchers, engineers, doctors, and patients that are committed to this advanced healthcare technology.

Using specific patented applicators, the generation of unfocussed or soft-focused shockwaves provides a wider energy distribution without focusing the waves on a specific spot.

Advanced Innovation. Unleashed.

SoftWave is used at leading national and international research and medical centers

Quality and Innovation