Lumbar Disc / Sciatic Pain

Back pain is tough. Period.

Add leg pain, numbness, tingling - even tougher.

Sciatic (lumbosacral radiculopathy), lumbago, ‘slipped disc’, ‘bad back’ - There are many names for vertebrae disc injuries and the nerve pain that comes with it. It can significantly interfere with our lives - from annoying stiffness, to disabling pain, to complete ‘paralysis’ - unable to walk, using a cane, a walker, having to crawl to the bathroom.

Our spines are strong. The discs are strong. The surrounding ligaments and cartilage are strong. At the same time, all these elements and the associated biomechanics are vulnerable to injury – whether from chronic sitting that’s become endemic in modern society to golfing, lifting, long commutes, a fall, sitting on your couch watching Netflix for hours at a time – back pain can range from an annoying nuisance to a crippling and debilitating situation.

Chiropractic adjustments are proven to be the most time and cost effective therapeutic interventions for discogenic back pain.

Usually, specific chiropractic adjustments and ‘regular’ tissue therapy can provide lasting relief. If not, SoftWave will usually achieves long-term pain relief and stability. In very rare situations, surgery is a legitimate option.

SoftWave TRT’s revolutionary therapeutic technology creates healing for the disc, the ligaments, the cartilage, and the nerves.

SoftWave’s proprietary electrohydraulic acoustic shockwave produces maximum tissue penetration.

This sets in motion important and necessary healing mechanisms for both the disc and the sciatic nerve:

  • Decreased inflammation - the swollen disc can now heal, taking pressure off the nerves

  • Increased blood supply - bringing healing nutrients to inflamed connective tissues, and carrying away inflammatory metabolites

  • Activation and mobilization of resident stem cells - allowing both the nerve and disc (and ligaments, cartilage, and tendons) to heal

“The ESWT is particularly effective effect for patients with lumbar degenerative disorders (LDD). The use of ESWT has a significant long-term influence on the reduction of pain, leg cramps, and the improvement of the general functional state in relation to the conventional motor improvement program.”

Li B-Z, et al. Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Reduces Leg Cramps in Patients of Lumbar Degenerative Disorders: A Retrospective Study. BioMed Research International 2021; Article ID 3554397, 5 pages [read article]

Told you need surgery?

That may not be necessary.