Foot / Ankle / Heel

Plantar Fasciitis / Ankle Sprain / Heel Pain

Plantar Fasciitis — painful, frustrating, and persistent.

… and very successfully treated with SoftWave.

Do you have pain in your heel? On the bottom of your foot? Pain is bad when you first get out of bed? (first few steps can be agony). Then walking throughout your day is less painful?

Typical plantar fasciitis pain syndrome:

  • Chronic dull or sharp pain in the bottom of the hell

  • Usually one foot; rarely both

  • No X-ray evidence of a heel spur

  • Common in runners, factory workers, ballet dancers

  • Can be caused by prolonged up-and-down a ladder

  • Pain in the heel, arch and/or mid-foot

There is hope.

The ligaments and their covering membrane that extend from the heel to the metatarsal bones are called the plantar fascia.

SoftWave creates an extraordinary healing environment for these ligaments and connective tissue:

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Increased blood supply (new blood vessels)

  • Activation and migration of these resident stem cells

‘… ESWT may be effective alone in plantar fasciitis, lateral epicondylitis and proximal hamstring tendinopathy and as an adjunct to exercise treatment in medial tibial stress syndrome and osteitis pubis in athletes or physically active individuals. … athletes were allowed to continue activities and training and tolerated ESWT with minimal side effects.’

Rhim HC, et al. Use of extracorporeal shockwave therapies for athletes and physically active individuals: a systematic review Br J Sports Med 2024;0:1-12 [read article]

SoftWave increases blood supply, decreases inflammation, restores tissue elasticity, and stimulates endogenous growth factor activation, causing activation and migration of resident stem cells resulting in new tissue growth – and a healed, pain-free heel and foot.

Take care of yourself. Using SoftWave TRT for healing/repairing your plantar fasciitis is simple, effective and long-lasting. There is much research supporting the clinical benefits – and with no adverse effects.

‘Treatment of PF with unfocused shock waves was well tolerated and led to significant
pain reduction, functional improvement, and patient satisfaction.’

Ashraf Fansa A, et al. Efficacy of Unfocused Medium-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (MI-ESWT) for plantar fasciitis. Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery; May 2021; 60(3):p 471-476. [read article]

SoftWave Treatment:

  • The in-office treatment is abput 10 minutes

  • The results are long-lasting

  • The treatment are is determined through history, examination, and diagnosis

  • Ultrasound gel is used to conduct the SoftWave pulses

  • The quantity and intensity can vary depending on the indication

  • Treatment usually consists of four to six sessions over 4 weeks

  • No adverse effects

Importantly, SoftWave has the unique ability of ‘diagnostic mapping’ – using the shock wave pulses to identify the area of injury/inflammation that requires treatment.

Told you need surgery?

That may not be necessary.