The Biology

New cells. New tissue.

Biological effects

SoftWave creates tissue repair and regeneration in various types of injuries, wounds and diseases by reducing inflammation, inducing neovascularization (called angiogenesis -the information of new blood vessels) , and stem cell activation, leading to tissue regeneration.

  • Increased blood supply (neovascularization)

  • Decreased inflammation -> decreased pain

  • Activation/mobilization of resident stem cells

  • Endogenous growth factors

  • New tissue growth

What Are Stem Cells?

SoftWave is known as the ‘stem cell machine’. So what are stem cells? Stem cells are waiting as ‘primitive’, or undifferentiated cells - meaning they’re not yet structured, defined or functioning cells … yet.

Once activated, stem cells answer the call to become whatever they’re called to be - they migrate to injured or diseased areas of the body and become new and healthy-functioning cells for that area. Stem cells can self-renew, or they can transform into different cell types, a process called differentiation. Once activated, a stem cell, will become a cartilage cell, or a blood cell, or a nerve cell - whatever is needed at that particular tissue.

Biological Effects - Part I

The cellular healing is created by a mechanotransduction process which leads to bichemical reactions whereby molecules are released and cell signaling is activated.

Biological Effects - Part II

Clinical studies demonstrate that this mechanotransduction mechanism leads to specific biochemical reactions and cell signaling*

The cell signaling initiates tissue repair and regeneration in various types of injuries, wounds and diseases through:

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Pain reduction

  • Neovascularization (angiogenesis)

  • Stem cell activation / migration

  • Cellular healing

  • Tissue regeneration

*Liu T, et al. Cellular signaling pathways modulated by low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Int’l Journal Impotence Research; Jan 2019; 31: p 170-176 [read abstract] [read full article]

Biological Effects - Part III

The molecular signaling initiates the following biological mechanisms:

  • Endothelial growth factor (EGF)

  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)

  • Vascular nerve growth factor (NGF)

  • Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (ENOS)

  • Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)

  • Activation of progenitor (stem*) cells

[*stem cells are the repairmen - once activated and mobilized, they show up and become new cells]

What Conditions Can SoftWave Treat?

The body loves SoftWave TRT, simply because is causes any and all cells to heal and regenerate (that’s why it’s called (Tissue Regeneration Therapy). Therefore the list of what injuries, conditions, and diseases that can be improved/healed with SoftWave is virtually endless.

Are you suffering? Are you in pain? Have been told you need surgery?

Go to this page for a list of indications.


You can ask Dr. Hastings any questions you may have directly: Contact Us.